Welcome To Whitehall LTD...

Whitehall World-Wide offers an unparalleled level of expertise and experience in providing clients across the globe the best solutions for harnessing disruptive technologies. Services include, transformation of technology-driven organizations, organizational design, and market dominating solutions such as Blockchain, IoT, real time Big Data decision support, and Cloud services. Our clientele range from many of the Global 1000 organizations to traditional niche companies just starting out in the world.


Get To Know us...

It’s all about simplicity. In a world of constant change where increasing complexities abound, where many valid solutions exist side by side, finding the elegance in simplicity is key. The age old adage of ‘the most obvious is most often the best’ is our guiding principle. Consensus building, identifying the right solutions and tightly managed execution are the foundation of our successful methodology.

Expertise in organizational transformation, moving from a current technology state to a future state is our core competency. Working with you to design that future state is based on a methodology that incorporates state-of-the-art solutions with planning for future disruptive changes in the technology landscapes.

Currently, expertise to utilize Bitcoin’s child, blockchain, independent services that are growing all over the internet (part of the cloud computing explosion), IoT as a primary input source for many business functions, high-frequency trading, GIS as part of your decision support dashboard, and real time risk and transaction management are just a few of the disruptive changes that business needs to adapt to, in order to survive in the highly dynamic world we live.

Let WWW and its associates help you through the exciting and rewarding journey for your business.


What Can We Offer...


Our Engagements...

Successfully took from concept to reality global internet companies whose focus includes financial services, banking and marketing industries for clients that are primarily Global 1000 companies.

Developed Project Management guides and procedures for Fortune 500 companies. Pioneered outsourcing as a development alternative for numerous global organizations, often saving 80% over traditional methods.

Aligned technology information resources for Global 1000 organizations. On example was a major construction company that manages $5bl. in projects. Here we provided an early warning solution via the development of monitoring and tracking systems that helped avoid millions of dollars in change orders.

Some Of Our Our Associates...

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